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How Technology is Enhancing the Art of Diagnostic Hematology

In a recent webinar: "Making Science Out of Art, Digitization, and Context in Full Field Morphological Hematology", one of the world’s leading experts in hematology provided her perspective on the integration of digital blood sample review and expertise, presenting three fascinating case studies that illustrate how the art and science of diagnostic hematology can work together for the good of patients.
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Remote weekend viewing resulted in a 15.8% reduction in the overall morphology TAT of the laboratory

This study, conducted at the hematology laboratory at Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center, explores and quantifies the benefits of fully remote digital cell morphology. It looked at the impact of implementing a fully remote, fully digital workflow for PBS analysis during key periods of the week.
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A New Generation of Digital Morphology: How Fully Digital Remote Workflows Accelerate Diagnosis and Improve Patient Care

Complete blood counts requiring morphological examination are a notorious bottleneck in the hematology lab. They…
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