Clinical Impact.

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March 28, 2024

Automated digital morphometry of peripheral blood smears detects both infrequent events and cellular population patterns in myelodysplastic syndrome


Current diagnosis of myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) is based on invasive bone marrow aspirate, followed by subjective morphological analysis. The novel Full-Field Morphology (FFM) technology developed by Scopio Labs performs peripheral blood smear (PBS) analysis on a large scale of 1000 fields of 100X view in a routine manner, allowing a precise and highly sensitive automated quantification of cellular and sub-cellular morphological parameters. In this study, we applied this digital morphometric approach to compare PBS morphology of MDS patients with age-matched controls.

  • Development of Interactive Hematology Atlas/Teaching Database for Resident Education and Resident Attitudes and Feedback Toward Full Field Microscopy
  • Development of Interactive Hematology Atlas/Teaching Database for Resident Education and Resident Attitudes and Feedback Toward Full Field Microscopy


Our study demonstrates that FFM-based digital PBS analysis enables the detection and quantification of unique WBC and RBC morphologic alterations associated with MDS.